Flu Vaccinations
Getting a vaccination is easy and convenient at our pharmacy.
Our Pharmacist is able to provide a number of vaccinations. Come in to ask about vaccinations that protect against influenza, also called the flu, whooping cough, meningococcal disease and shingles.
Our Pharmacists are trained vaccinators, and this makes getting a vaccination really convenient. With your permission, we send the vaccination details to your Doctor so your records will be always up to date.
Berrys Tararua Pharmacy
Phone: 06 368 7922
Fax: 06 368 7942
General Email: tararuap@xtra.co.nz
540 Queen Street East
Levin 5510
New Zealand
Our Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8.30 AM - 5:30 PM
Berrys Health Centre Pharmacy
Phone: 06 367 3644
Fax: 06 367 3645
General Email: bhcpharmacy@xtra.co.nz
62 Liverpool Street
Levin 5510
New Zealand
Our Opening Hours
Monday - Friday
8.30 AM - 5.30 PM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM